learner qualaties tearm

Learner Qualities: Empathise and Communicate

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Share at least 3 example of how you have shown empathy recently. Add a photo if you can.
1.     I have shown empathy by listening to Liam’s writing about The Present.
2.     I have shown empathy by helping in the chromebook team and doing what I am  asked to do.
3.    I have shown empathy by helping my friend when he was getting yelled at by a boy in my hub

Share at least 3 examples of how you have communicated in different ways this term. Add photos if you can.
  1. I have communicatid by talking in english
  2. I have communicatid by talking in chinese
  3. I have communicatid by writing

self awere blog

Oakland’s School Learner Qualities
Be Self Aware (Excellence Value): SML tasks

Be self aware
I know my learning goals.
I know how I learn best.
Think about and reflect on:
  • How have I been managing my time with completing my SML Tasks?  By sitting on my own
  • How well have I been completing them? Once every fortnight I was sick for 5 days so it did not count ( I got nine points )
  • Have I been completing my MUST Dos each week? Most of the time I do get them done maybe every two weeks i won't get them done
  • Have I been organised enough to complete bonus tasks? No I have not been that organised

What is my learning goal?
IALT manage my time well so I complete all my “MUST Do” SML Tasks each week.
What has been going well? Kiwi kids new’s has been going well for me because i do it at ssw time

What have I been learning to do to get the tasks done? To not sit next to people I will talk to

Which tasks have I completed well? mathletics  Why? Because I get 1500 points every week

Which tasks have been challenging? Spelling   Why? Because i try to fit some time in but I don’t get there

What are some other bonus tasks I would like to do? Code cracker
My next step is……
My next is to not sit next to people who I talk to and get distracted by.

Art Attack

WALT create artist inspired artwork.

Artist: Raewyn Harris 

So what? On the first day of doing our art we were using complementary colours and seeing what looked great together. It was a long process for me because I was sick most of the time which was annoying because i did not finish it for a while. I finished it on the 6th of September 2017.  

Now what? Next time I would use more chalk so that the black lines stood out more.